Insurance Journal's Academy of Insurance

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Professional and Management Liability Coverage for Small Business

Professional and Management Liability Coverage for Small Business

Quick Overview

Join us as Joe Harrington help us deal with real professional liability coverage issues.


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Duration 1 hour
Location Online Webinar
Formats Live
Instructor Joe HarringtonJoe Harrington

For small businesses, the days of relying on simply on a "BOP" are over. The specialized nature of almost all work, and the complex options available for structuring an enterprise and managing its capital and employees, have created professional and managerial exposures for nearly all entrepreneurs. This seminar will explore how insurance professionals can help small business owners decide which risks to assume in their operations, and what types of coverage, limits, deductibles, and other risk management-risk transfer options are best for them.

What we will learn:

  • "Professional" liability exposures growing out of the specialized nature of work, including occupations not traditionally regarded as professional
  • "Management" liability exposures growing out of complex and highly-scrutinized interactions with investors, staff members, and other stakeholders
  • The growing need for small business owners to identify all their operating risks and to determine which to retain and which to insure, and for how much
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