Active Faculty
We are always looking for the best in insurance learning. Our instructors come from all areas of insurance geekery.
These professionals are experienced, educated, experts who are ready to help you to take your insurance knowledge as high as you want to go.
Each instructor has one goal: to help you better serve your clients.

Abi Potter Clough
Barry Rabkin
Becky Lathrop
Bill Wilson
Bob Titus
Brenda Powell Wells
Brennan Quintus
Casey Roberts
Chantal Roberts
Chris Amrhein
Chris Behymer
Chris Burand
Chris Cline
Christopher J. Boggs
Craig Andrews
Crystal Uebelher
David Paul
David Thompson
Frank Pennachio
Frederick Fisher
Hayden Kopser
James Moore
Joe Harrington
John Eubank
Joseph Junfola
Kathy Ryan
Kevin Amrhein
Kevin Ring
Ladda Love Hawkins
Laura Gregory
Lynn Thomas
Marsha Egan
Martin Frappollli
Michael Armstrong
Michael DeFelice
Michael Gay
Michael Koscielny
Nancy Germond
Nicole Limpert
Patrick Wraight
Precious Norman-Walton
Richard Faber
Rick Pitts
Scott Margraves
Stacey Cheese
Terry Tadlock
Tim Christ
Tim Dodge
Tom Wetzel
Trent Massey
Walt Gerano
Alumni Faculty
Al Parizo
Amy O'Rorke
Betsey Brewer
Bill Whitley
Bob Warren
Chris Christian
Chris Marinescu
Christopher Longo
Craig Mathre
David Chetcuti
David Connolly
David Derigiotis
Elizabeth Reinhardt
Eric Wiening
Erica Upmeyer
Ian Adams
Imperial PFS
Jerry Rhinehart
Jim Wochele
Joe Petrelli
John Anderson
Jones Loflin
Kevin McKenna
Larry Goanos
Lorrie Thomas
Marcel Schwantes
Marty Thomas
Mary Anne Medina
Mary Eisenhart
Mary Newgard
Maureen Gallagher
Michael Trouillon
Nick Kormos
Paul Balbresky
Peggy M. Jackson
Peter Rousmaniere
Preston Diamond
Randy Sieberg
Rita Hollada
Rita McMullen
Ron Fry
Scott Simmonds
Steven Walker
Stuart Powell
Ted Koeth
Veronica Stevens
Winter Wheeler