Insurance Journal's Academy of Insurance

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How People Buy Insurance. An Introduction to Insurance Distribution

How People Buy Insurance. An Introduction to Insurance Distribution

Quick Overview

In this tenth installment of our New To Insurance series, Academy Director, Patrick Wraight will discuss how people buy insurance, including why most people (including insurance people) need an agent, what the difference between an agent and a broker is, and the rise of app-based agencies. Join us live as we deal with how people buy insurance and how it's changed over the years.


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Date Apr 10, 2025
Time 10:30am Pacific / 1:30pm Eastern
Duration 1 hour
Location Online Webinar
Formats Live
Instructor Patrick WraightPatrick Wraight

What's the differnce between a broker and an agent? Is there even a difference? Why can't I just call up an insurance company and buy insurance? What about the new app my company just told me about? Buying insurance is more efficient than ever, but it's also potentially less effective. You can get insurance at your bank, on an app, and even when you buy products on Amazon.

In this session, we will discuss how insurance is purchased in the US, how things have changed in the 21st century, how things haven't changed, and maybe what the future looks like for insurance distribution. 

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