Insurance Journal's Academy of Insurance

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Danger - Sharp Curve Ahead: The MCS-90 Endorsement, the Agent, and the Motor Carrier

Danger - Sharp Curve Ahead: The MCS-90 Endorsement, the Agent, and the Motor Carrier

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No one said that insurance was easy. This is especially true when you deal with commercial trucking risks and the special legal and insurance requirements that they have. Join us as Michael Gay brings this session to help us to navigate the sharp curves associated with these risks.


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Duration 1 hour
Location Online Webinar
Formats On-Demand
Instructor Michael GayMichael Gay

Federal regulations require for-hire motor carriers that transport property or passengers and operate motor vehicles in interstate or international commerce to maintain certain minimum levels of financial responsibility for public liability. To satisfy this federally mandated requirement, an MCS-90 endorsement is added to the motor carrier’s insurance policy. While this sounds simple enough, the MCS-90 is often misunderstood and frequently results in litigation against the motor carrier and sometimes even the insurance agent. This course will explain key insurance-related provisions of the Motor Carrier Act of 1980, detail the purpose and significance of the MCS-90 endorsement, outline the events that trigger coverage, and point out things about which the agent and motor carrier need to be aware. The objective of this course is to equip you to successfully navigate the “sharp curves” in the MCS-90 Endorsement.

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