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Avian Flu Challenges: Why It Matters to More Than Just the Farmer

Avian Flu Challenges: Why It Matters to More Than Just the Farmer

Quick Overview

Did you see the price of eggs for the first quarter of 2025? It's been crazy. The question that people keep asking is why? Why are the eggs so expensive? Why are authorities reacting so quickly and severely to this virus? Join us as Casey Roberts helps us to understand the issues surrounding Bird Flu and their insurance implications.


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Date Apr 17, 2025
Time 10:30am Pacific / 1:30pm Eastern
Duration 1 hour
Location Online Webinar
Formats Live
Instructor Casey RobertsCasey Roberts

Bird Flu or Avian Flu, however it is referred to it oftentimes can affect all of us.  It could be the price of chicken, the availability of eggs, or the potential transfer to humans.  Will review a topic that at times is not for those with a sensitive stomach - but one that should be understood by all insurance professionals.

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