Christopher Longo

Chris Longo has been Chief Executive Officer of McGowan Excess & Casualty (MEC) since its founding in 2005. MEC is a Managing General Underwriter with specialized skills in Commercial Umbrella and Excess insurance. Chris was previously the President of St. Paul Travelers Specialty Excess & Umbrella division and oversaw all of the unsupported umbrella business within that company. Prior to that we was President of Chubb Atlantic, an off shore insurance company based in Bermuda. Chris spent the first 19 years of his career with various Chubb companies and held a variety of senior Casualty positions including Vice President of U.S. Umbrella operations.
Commercial Umbrellas: What to Expect, What to Avoid and What to Request
Whether you have been an insurance agent for 10 days or 10 years, you can't afford to not offer your clients a Commercial Umbrella policy.