It's Time to Level Up Your Insurance Game

Seats will fill up fast Register for Free

We're launching our brand new, coverage-focused learning event series. Learn coverage details, classes of business, sales strategies, endorsements, and more for 30+ coverage and specialty insurance topics. And it's all free!

Select the events that you would like to attend (dates to be decided):
How to Write - Professional Liability Webinar

Our Free Live Series Will Unlock Your Full Potential

Are you an independent agent/broker or insurance professional who is eager to level up your insurance game?

Academy of Insurance is launching a brand new, coverage-focused, live broadcast learning event series. It's called "How to Write" because you are going to learn coverage details, classes of business, sales strategies, endorsements, and more for 30+ coverage and specialty insurance topics.

This series is designed to help you discover new opportunities and build a deeper understanding and appreciation of coverages you specialize in. It's the perfect motivator for those new or old to the industry.

Best of all it's entirely free to you, you just need to register today. Imagine the impact of a full year of dynamic, free-to-access training events you can attend and interact online. Just choose the coverage and business lines you are interested in.

You will learn
what's covered what's not covered what you can write what you can't write endorsements applicable who are your best prospects benefits to your clients sales strategies

You Don't Want to Miss This Exclusive Learning Opportunity