Frank Pennachio

Frank Pennachio is co-founder of Oceanus Partners, a consulting and training firm that works with insurance professionals to improve their sales and new business development. Oceanus Partners was acquired by ReSource Pro in April 2019.
Mr. Pennachio brings over 25 years of agency ownership/management, sales training, and workers’ compensation expertise to his topics. His keen industry understanding, empathetic and humorous style, and depth of technical knowledge make him a popular speaker at insurance and workers’ compensation conferences.
A highly regarded expert, Mr. Pennachio is a frequent contributor to such publications as American Agent & Broker, PIA, Risk & Insurance, HR Magazine, Insurance Journal, and Occupational Hazards and Risk & Insurance.
Contact him at
How Relevant is the Work Comp Experience Mod?
First presented in 2014, Frank Pennachio brings back this timely session on the impact of technology, data mining, and machine learning on workers' compensation. His thesis: the experience modification factor does not have the same level of influence on account pricing.
Mitigating the Risks of A Tight Labor Market Using Effective WC Practices
Can Workers' Compensation insurance be a differentiator for an agency trying to win business? Can it also be a differentiator for the employer who is looking for the best talent in a shrinking pool of available workers? Join us as Frank Pennachio brings this timely session and helps teams use WC to build a great team.
What You Must Know About the Risks Arising from Employee Benefits
Many employers offer their team certain benefits, including health coverage, 401k, and other benefits. Are these offerings opening the employer up to the potential for financial catastrophe? Join us as Frank Pennachio helps us to understand the risks that come along with employee benefits.
Leveraging Data to Differentiate Yourself from the Competition
In an industry that is so data reliant as insurance is, it is troubling that some simply don't know how to use the available data to tell their clients' stories. Join us as Frank Pennachio helps us to apply benchmark data and appropriate data analysis to help gain and keep clients longer.
Fiduciary Liability Updates for 2022
Litigation arising from the management of employee benefits plans has increased dramatically over the past couple of years. New federal laws, regulations, guidelines, and established case law, as well as increased compliance audits by the Department of Labor are expected to escalate the risks to an even higher level in 2022. Join us as Frank Pennachio helps guide us through this important topic.
The Pros and Cons of Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs)
The employee leasing industry has enjoyed marked growth in the last few years, based upon the assumptions that a business owner could pass some of the regulatory responsibilities, and employer liabilities to a "professional employer organization" (PEO) trained in human resource management. Join us as Frank Pennachio helps us to understand how PEOs can be a mixed bag of good and bad.
A Workers' Compensation Panel Conversation
Join us for a conversation hosted by Academy Director, Patrick Wraight as he moderates a conversation between Frank Pennachio and James Moore about the past, present, and future of workers' compensation insurance.
This conversation should prove to be illuminating as these two tend to disagree on several items.
We learn when we come up against points of view that differ from our own so come with your questions and get ready to keep learning.
Workers' Comp: Rates are Down, but Significant Risks are Up
As workers' compensation rates go down, it seems that the risk is lower. Rates generally go in the direction of the actual risk, right? Well, in this session, Frank Pennachio will show us that the raw risks might be down so that the rates are going down, but there's another side to this coin in that there are larger risks that haven't gone away. In face, they might be increasing. Join us and find out why.
Workers' Compensation Insurance Basics
No one is an expert when they first start out and this session is designed to help the workers' compensation rookie with the basics of how workers' comp insurance works, why our system is set up the way it is, and how to navigate all of the intricacies of this coverage.
This session won't make you an expert, but it is a start on your journey there.
How to Keep Work Comp Claim Costs from Spiraling Out of Control
Declining workers' compensation rates are a good thing and declining numbers of workers' injuries are a good thing, but they are not everything.
Paying attention to these without also paying close attention to the cost per claim is risky. Increased severity can overcome decreased frequency in claims so it makes sense to watch this cost per claim.
Join Frank Pennachio as he helps us to deal with claim cost creep in this session.